Recent Publications and Conference Proceedings

  • Clairmont, Anthony. “Requirements for Measuring Subjective Experiences”. AEA 2024. Click here to view a full copy of my remarks.

  • Clairmont, Anthony, Melissa Wolf, & Andrew Maul (forthcoming). “The prevention and detection of deception in self-report survey data.” In Basic Elements of Survey Research in Education: Addressing the Problems Your Advisor Never Told You About, eds. Ulemu Luhanga & Gregg Harbaugh. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

  • Arya, Diana, Anthony Clairmont, Daniel Katz, & Andrew Maul (forthcoming). “Measuring Reading Strategy Use.” Educational Measurement (special issue, ed. Michael Kane).

  • Arya, Diana, Anthony Clairmont, & Sarah Hirsch (forthcoming, 2020). “Interpreting and explaining data representations: A comparison across grades 1-7.” In Approaches to Lifespan Writing Research: Steps Toward an Actionable Coherence, eds. Ryan Dippre & Talinn Phillips. Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse, Colorado State University Press, & the University Press of Colorado.

  • Clairmont, Anthony, & Andrew Maul (2019). “A Review of Sociocognitive Foundations of Educational Measurement by Robert Mislevy.” Psychometrika (online only). 1-4.

Since 2020, I have worked full time as a program evaluator. The programs I evaluate include mental health initiatives, social services for justice-involved people, and public educational campaigns against smoking, infectious disease, impaired driving, and substance abuse.